
Please add Dark Mode on the Square Register

Verified Answer

Please add Dark Mode on the Square Register

Please add the dark mode option to the Square Register. I use a combination of Square Registers and iPads w/the stands. The iPads have a dark mode option and the colors pop much more with the black background and it makes it much easier for my staff to navigate the POS menu than on the Square Register which only offers a white background. 
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Please add Dark Mode on the Square Register

Please add the dark mode option to the Square Register. I use a combination of Square Registers and iPads w/the stands. The iPads have a dark mode option and the colors pop much more with the black background and it makes it much easier for my staff to navigate the POS menu than on the Square Register which only offers a white background. 

Please consider this. It is practically a disability feature these days and not a nightmare to implement unlike most code. 

Additionally, consider it for the web browser and all other UI as well. There is literally no reason not to.

Yes please get the Darkmode feature. It would be very great for customers..