
Error with "Ship from Location"

I've notice that my site will occasionally list all items as unavailable. I tracked it down to an error with the ship from location in my fulfillment settings. I occasionally get an error that reads: "The address you entered cannot be validated. Please ensure it is an accurate mailing address".

The address is correct--and I've verified the format with the USPS.


I tell Square to "use it anyway", and it solves the problem for a while, and all of a sudden, items are "unavailable" because my address cannot be validated.  What am I doing wrong here?  How can I keep this from happening.

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Square Community Moderator

Hi @Saranac  - I'm sorry to hear that this issue with your shipping settings has brought you to the Seller Community😥


This does sound off, but it's difficult to pinpoint what may be happening without looking at your account with you, which we aren't able to do via the Seller Community. For this type of issue, I suggest that you get in touch with our Square Online Support Team. If you haven't already, please reach out to Support directly by logging into your Square account and heading here.

Community Moderator, Square
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