
I'm using the template to create a .csv file to import my contacts. It isn't working.

I have downloaded the csv template and entered the information I want to upload, first name, last name, email address.  I left all the columns there but I only want 3 pieces of information in the upload.


Am I supposed to leave the first (darker) column blank?  

Message 1 of 4

Hey @beverlyd1 - You can leave any column blank that you don't have customer info for - as long as the column title headers (row 1) are left as-is. Can you tell me what errors you're seeing when uploading so I can see how to angle the fix? 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 4

I left the column heading the same--of course the export to the template did not place information in the right columns, so I changed all that individually.


I figured out to export as a .csv file.  


I finally got it to post that the file was there (nside that rectangle) but the file contained no information.


I just entered each customer individually.  But I have another huge list  of 101 that I have kept as a broadcast email (before Square Marketing), and I'm setting up a second Square Marketing account for this newer company.  So I'm dreading it.  


I thought the template furnished by Square would do the trick.  I have only completed column 1, 2 and 4.  But the import automatically filled in 2 of the 3 columns at the right side of the form.  Group Membership (which is the email list title ) and E-mail1-Value, last column.  which shows the emails again (same as column 4).


I have a MacBook so there are always extra steps, but I have NEVER figured out how to import/export my email lists since email began.



Message 3 of 4

Gotcha - thanks for replying @beverlyd



I'd reach out to our dedicated Customer Directory Team. They're pretty good with spotting errors in CSV files and correcting them so you can import your customers successfully. If need be, they'll be able escalate your issue further if Engineering needs to take a look.


Loop back here to keep me updated on the fix - I want to make sure you're taken care of! 


Community Moderator, Square
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