
Reader says connected, but won't say reader ready on the register?

Reader is connected, but won't say reader ready on the register

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Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

If you're talking about the plug in chip reader, it may be that the battery is dead. The phone/iPad will recognize that something was plugged in, but it won't work if it isn't charged.

Message 2 of 3

@Jennyg11 - Sorry to hear about the trouble! I've definitely got some suggestions for you. To get going, please make sure you confirm these details below:


- Make sure that your device is supported with the contactless and chip card reader by checking here
- Double check that your device's operating system is up to date (the reader is only supported on Android devices running 4.4 or higher and for Apple devices, it must be higher than iOS 9.0)
- Insure that your device has the latest version of the Square app


If you've doubled check these things, and are still having issues, here are some troubleshooting steps: 


- If the reader and device are more than 10ft apart, the reader will have trouble maintaining a consistent connection. Move your reader and device closer when in use.

- Force quit the Square app and reopen it.

- Turn your mobile device off and back on.

- Delete and reinstall the Square app. *Note:* If you've recently accepted payments while in Offline Mode and haven't uploaded them, don't delete and reinstall the app or you'll lose these transactions. Connect your mobile device to the Internet to complete these payments before deleting the app.


If these tips don't solve the trouble, force shutdown your reader. To do so, follow the steps below:


- While the reader is charging, use a bobby pin, pen cap, or paper clip to firmly press and hold the button on the reader for 20 seconds.

- After 20 seconds, release the button and wait 10 seconds.

- Press the button again to turn the reader on and observe any lights on the reader.


If these tips don't do the trick, please comment and let me know!


PS - If my answer solved your problem, would you mind marking it as "Best Answer"? That'll help the rest of the community find what they're looking for. If not, just write back, and I'll continue to help. Thanks!

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 3 of 3