Square Champion

Square Online Orders not going through or Printing

I recently enabled online ordering for pickup.


I am using Square for Retail and my primary setup is a Square Register and Mpop cash drawer/printer.


Two issues:

1. I've had friends/family testing my system and sometimes the orders go through but at least once on the iphone and on chrome two people had issues checking out. Payment screen appears and then goes away and no confirmation email is sent and no order is generated. 


2.When I place an order for a 1:00 pickup time the order is not printing half an hour beforehand; and on the Square Register the Print Orders Toggle is on. When I go to the orders on my square online it is not showing me what time the order is supposed to be ready at, only what time they ordered it at.

Why not let us know what time/day they want their order so that we can prepare it ahead of time?


Thanks in advance, printer settings are correct and it has a 30 minute prep time setting and I had no issues checking out on android.


Please Require Customers to pick time/date at checkout for Square online. Thanks!
Message 1 of 3
Square Champion


Update: tested this item on an ipad and it gives a fulfillment not set.


Works fine on android. checkout and fulfillment settings are matching. Guess I'll have to reach out to support.

Please Require Customers to pick time/date at checkout for Square online. Thanks!
Message 2 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @PartyManiaMD 


Sorry to hear about your experience.


Your guess is absolutely correct. Your best bet is to get in touch with us directly so that a member of our Square Online Support team can dig in with you. When you have a moment, please reach out directly by logging into your Square account and heading here.

Community Moderator, Square
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