
Why isn’t my item showing for sale?

Why isn’t my item showing for sale? It’s listed as visible. This is very inconvenient!

Message 1 of 2
Square Champion

Hello @PartyWithBarbie thanks for your post. I'm sorry you're having trouble with this issue. In order to best help you, can you please tell us as much info as you can...for example...

  • Are you selling an item on your website? If so, would you mind sharing your website address so we may take a look?
  • Are you listing an item in your Square Inventory...and it is not showing up in your inventory to add to a sale?

Based on how/where you're trying to view/sell your item, it could be a few different things. You could try refreshing your browser (sometimes it takes a while to refresh items or you need to clear your cache).

Do you have other items for sale are ARE showing up, so we can determine if it's just that particular item, or ALL Of your items?


There is also something called LOCATIONS within Square, so you may or may not have multiple locations setup, and you may be only viewing a single location. So you see, there are SO MANY variables in play, and it's important for other Sellers to fully understand what your issue may be. Thanks for your post, and we look forward to being able to assist you better.

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