
login error on pc

Whenever I try to log into my PC   I enter the email address and hit next  I then get an "An error has occurred. Please try again later." message    this has been happening for several days   I am logged in on my iphone and that works but I need to be able to access from my desktop PC



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Square Champion

Hello @fancykitty !


Okay, that's really odd. You say it happens when you enter the email address and hit next. That doesn't sound like the usual login page to me. Square's login page has the email and password on the same screen. Please make sure you're going to https://squareup.com/dashboard . If you're not logged in, it should take you to a page with the email and password login screen. Also, do you have the Two Factor Authentication enabled? Where Square texts you a six digit login code. There may be a weird configuration issue if you do and you're not getting to the TFA screen. You'll need to contact support to get that one fixed. You can reach them at the link in my signature below.


Otherwise, there may be an issue with your browser itself. Have you tried other web browsers on your computer? If so, do you see the same error? If so, are you having any issues accessing other password-protected sites? If not, I recommend clearing the cookies and cache, closing your browser, and restarting your computer. That should clear things up. Also, if you're not using the standard browser that came with your operating system (Edge or Safari), definitely check for updates to the browser. There may have been some security issues resolved with an update.


The only other time I've seen randomness when logging in from my desktop is if I try to log in before the login page is fully loaded. It usually throws me a random text error in the upper left of the screen when that happens. Waiting for the login page to load fully before hitting the login button solves that one.


Hope this helps!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
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