
Tax Overrides Bulk Edit or County Based Overrides

Beta Member

Tax Overrides Bulk Edit or County Based Overrides

Mentioned here: https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Questions-How-To/Square-Online-Import-or-Mass-Edit-Zip-Code-Tax-O...


If you need to override a tax on a county level you can only do so by entering one by one the zipcodes of your county. Either we need a bulk management solution for overrides or a county based override.


Use case: Our county requires a +1% tax for prepared foods. It is not captured in your automated system. The county consists of 100+ zipcodes. Managing this individually would be a massive time sink.


Solution: A county based override would be an easy win, if that was unavailable a way to bulk manage zipcode imports and overrides would still be workable.

1 Comment
Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open

Hey @SecretChocolate! Thanks for submitting this Feature Request.


I've updated the status to "Open". This step in the Feature Request process will be a time in which other Square Sellers can add their use cases to your idea to make it stronger and demonstrate further how much it is needed. Later on, we'll re-visit the most popular feature requests in the "Open for Votes" status and bring them to our Product Team.


To other Sellers who see this feature, please “like” the post and reply with a use case that your business would have. This will help to signal that this feature request is even more important to address.