
Selling digital files that are automatically emailed to purchaser.

Selling digital files that are automatically emailed to purchaser.

I would like to see a feature on square.

I would like to sell downloadable digital files, where an automated email goes out with the file link right after check out.  I would be able to have one more way to have sales in my business.  I am a hypnotist and don't have a way to sell digital files through my website.  I don’t know how to sell digital files through square.  




Hi Ken, 


I cant figure out how to DM you, can you list your email or DM me. I would like to use this feature and I saw a few others on the website that would be helpful as well. 


Thanks so much,

Ashley Cooper

@PreOrder_Apps  Thanks for your response. I did notice GetThinApp on the square partner list but now I know that's you. I'm sorry if I sounded overly skeptical but one can't be too careful these days. I appreciate you doing this little add-on solution for us digital merchants. Please keep me on your list to receive it. 🙂 (I also can't see how to DM you here.)

@PreOrder_Apps I've been following this thread for quite awhile now... more than a year I think, waiting for Square to make this fix. I would be interested in being kept in the loop as well... thanks for the possible solution to a really frustrating problem. 



@PreOrder_Apps I would be interested as well, please keep me in mind, also I was going to ask if there is a way that you can also implement an automatic email that is sent out to those who sign up to my email list on square, I wanted to be able to give a little digital gift for those who subscribe to my email list through square, is that something you could include as well? Thank you!

Beta Member

Hi @fieldofstars there's an email and phone number on the contact page of our https://getpreorder.com/contact website or if you hover over our username in here it'll display a message button for DMing on this system.


@ritakirkman no worries! Glad you reached out. We know there are lots of "characters" out there. So that's why we're super transparent and do things in very public ways.


@chiprichter You got it Chip, we're working on it right now. And as we get closer we'll post a Demo link, as well as exclusive pages where Square folks can give feedback about each "complimentary" feature we create - so we make sure we're making it in a way that'll work for everyone. 


@tblh We actually looked into that one awhile back and Square hadn't opened it up to the API yet, so let me and my team re-check the API to see if they've added (ie. opened/exposed) that feature to the API - if they have, it'll be a super easy fix and we'll gladly add it for free too - our own main clients had been asking about that one for awhile, so they'll love it to have it too.


And fyi for everyone - we're making (working on) this feature right now, and it'll be completely free. We're doing it in a few different ways so it'll work for everyone. We also have a Wishlist feature on our site where we're finishing threaded comments so everyone can give us feedback and additional ideas about how the free/complimentary features we do should work. We'll be finished with that tomorrow, so it'll make it easy for any and everyone to get involved.


We love hearing feedback about how a feature should work, etc. We do this for our big clients and have for years, so we already have tons of code, features, APIs, solutions, Square API-driven features, etc. in our private code-library - that's why it's easy for us to make half this stuff. Our clients ask for stuff that's 10Xs harder.


Be in touch soon. Best, 



ps - sometimes members of my team will help me check this account. When they're on they'll sign their name at the bottom of a comment or reply. So Mark, Liz, Jen, Chad, Jason and Chris are names you might see respond too.



Adding to the list of people waiting for a native automated digital product delivery system from Square.


My hope is when this feature is rolled out existing Weebly customers will have an option to have their digital product files migrated to the Square platform as well.  I do not want to have to re-upload and re-link files.  Having to go through that effort would make me want to re-evaluate other providers since I'd have to do it to migrate to them.


I still have my Weebly webpage running with digital products being delivered automatically waiting for this feature to come to Square as well.  Thank goodness I read the fine print on Square having no automated delivery function when Square was first offering to migrate Weebly webpages and products to Square.



Beta Member

Hi all. A quick update on our progress, we're in the process of creating a couple of options (with options) that'll hopefully work for most, if not all. And we're just about finished with the first option, which will be an online account you can log into, securely connect your Square Account (takes like 15 seconds) and then almost instantly import your existing Square Products/Items - That will then allow you to securely upload a digital file/item per product/item. (We'll also add a bulk upload feature that will allow to you quickly match each file with a Product/Item). 


Then, the rest is automated - upon successful Orders your Customers will receive branded emails with a link or links (depending on if they purchased one or more digital products). Those links will be "masked" with 128-bit encryption, so no one will know where your files are - and there's an option to set how many times they can download (ie. click on that link) as well as an Expire Date option too. 


Now, because we've figured out that most people probably already have their files somewhere, our 2nd option will allow you to keep your files right where they are - and bulk mask the links on your own, then give back to us or upload, which then does basically the same automated delivery. 


And we have My Orders pages and tracking too, so a Customer would be able to also log in and see their "Downloads" (ie. Purchases). 


Will update more as we finish up everything. 




Beta Member

Update: Ok, everyone. The following may be why Square hasn't made this yet. You have to consider a lot of things when making a feature like this - not to even mention potential file storage or making a system so smart that you don't have to deal with file storage and can let the business owner keep their files where they are and still somehow "associate" them with specific products AND have the links automatically get delivered/sent.


We finished all the "hard" parts, now we just need to finish tying it into Square's API (which we already have lots of ready-made installations for) and adding some easy/simple instructions. This won't take long at all, but we're insanely busy this week. So we'll try to get it done and out by Friday or this weekend sometime. 


If anyone wants to work directly with us, to help us and you set this up - that would be more than welcome. We're extremely experienced at Square integrations and nothing we've ever done has messed up anyone's account or anything like that. Note: They only give Partners so much access.


Once again, we'll have 2 options to start. 


1. You'll be able to connect your Square Account, import your products/items almost instantly, then simply upload a digital file or link for each.


Note: This might work best for new setups or people without a lot of digital files. If you have a lot of files already, you'll want option 2 below...


2. You'll be able to keep your files right where they are. This will have 2 sub-options:


a) You'll connect your Square Account, import all your products/items, then add a download link for each.


Note: We can also give you a simple CSV, Excel or Google Sheets file to add your links (and product names and preferably product IDs to) - that way we can just bulk import the links - to make things much quicker.


Our system will then automatically mask + encrypt the links before sending them out whenever a Customer makes a purchase(s). By email and/or Text Message. 


b) You can mask your links on your own - or you can mask them using a Masking Tool we'll give you, so even we won't know where they are.


Then you simply send us the masked links. You'll need to add a Product ID (of some sort) to each link, so our system knows which link goes with which product/item.


Note: Technically, it would probably be best to just connect your Square Account to our secure Partner System first, which will allow us to give you an instant list of your Products/Items from Square (with a lot more background info like "Square Product IDs" that'll help us instantly tie your download links to your products). 


How this works, is - once you securely connect to our Square Partner Account/System - our system can read New Orders from Square via API, then we simply keep a copy of your Products/Items and Links (or both Files and Links) in our Online Client Website (where you'll have an Account you can log into and manage things) - and then whenever there's a New Order, our system will automatically email and/or text out an Order Confirmation Email and/or Text Message with the Download Links. Simple.


I think the example I'm about to share has a Download Limit of 3 and expiration date of 3 days. 


This is a "masking" tool we can give you (if you want to keep the location of your files absolutely secret so even we don't know).


It's basically one zip folder with 1 folder (with a few files in it) that you can drop into almost any hosting you may already have or sign up for some cheap $3 hosting just to mask your download links real quick. 


You change one "secret" word in the settings file (plus the base URL of where you added the folder, ie. somesite.com) and it'll create a totally unique Encryption Key that will "mask" your download links so no one knows where they actually are. Then you send those links to us - and we'll import them for you - or eventually we'll add an import feature in the Account Area. 


This is 10Xs easier if you just choose Option 1, but we create digital works ourselves (music, design, etc) so we know the importance of keeping your stuff secure, which is why we added Option #2. 


Here's an example of the Masking Tool we created that we can give anyone, so they can do Option #2 - b and mask all their links on their own. It'll give you an idea of our technology and how the Digital Downloads/Links will work:




You can use these real files to test the tool:



Basically, paste those in the big text area/box like this:


https://superdemos.com/digital/files/product.pdf, product_id_001
https://superdemos.com/digital/files/file_example_MP3_700KB.mp3, product_id_002


And it'll create 2 unique "masked" and encrypted download links that our system can automatically send to Customers who order/pay. 


Of course your installation of this tool would allow you to set your own "secret" word, before you mask + encrypt your links.


After the tool creates the links you can refresh then click on the Download Masked Links, then copy/paste the new links to test them out. Try to paste them or click on them 3Xs to see/confirm that it prevents you from downloading a 4th time (even in Incognito windows of browsers). 


We haven't added any "session" control to this demo of the tool, so if people are testing at the same time they may over-write each other when it creates the text file, which will always generate at this link:




Shoot us a DM or email if you have questions: contact (at) getpreorder (.com)


Thanks! Be in touch soon, as we finish up!


- Ken



Beta Member

I would love to participate in any beta program for digital good delivery. We have an entire catalog of digital goods that we sell on another platform all because square does not offer availability. I sent an email to contact (at) getpreorder (.com) and I am hoping to help test drive their integration.