
Change employee sale attributed to

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Beta Member

Change employee sale attributed to

Our business is a hair salon that operates on commission. Sometimes our employees mis-attribute sales to other people who did not complete the sale. We need a way to edit these transactions and assign them to the correct employee for both accounting and payroll purposes. Because we use Payroll with commission, the employees who did not complete the sale end up getting paid, and the ones who actually made the sale do not. This is unacceptable.

1 Verified Answer
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Change employee sale attributed to

Our business is a hair salon that operates on commission. Sometimes our employees mis-attribute sales to other people who did not complete the sale. We need a way to edit these transactions and assign them to the correct employee for both accounting and payroll purposes. Because we use Payroll with commission, the employees who did not complete the sale end up getting paid, and the ones who actually made the sale do not. This is unacceptable.

Beta Member

Any updates on this?


No update at this time, @user12039123 - it's not currently possible to retroactively edit a completed transaction.


We'll post an update here if we have one to share.

We would not consider using Square Payroll without the ability to change who a sale is attributed to.  Basically the Pay Employees feature is useless without that ability.  All you could do is fix the situation without a manual entry, which is what you have to do with another payroll service.  So why bother.

Beta Member

Our system is set up with services that only lists one provider doing that service thinking that if that service is selected then regardless of who checks it out, the commission will go to that staff member. STILL NOT THE CASE. Could there please be an update that gives us a grace period or time frame to adjust who the sale should be attributed to. 

Beta Member

Square, please provide an update on this. If this is not figured out within the next month, I am going to have to use another companies services. This is ridiculous. 

Square Community Moderator

Hey @user12039123


We understand the need for the feature request and would hate to see you leave. However, we don’t have any updates on this request as of today. As mentioned, any updates will have beeb posted on this thread.  


Wish there was more information we could provide. 



Is there an ability to change the "sale attributed to" on a recurring bill for a customer without going via the brute force method of canceling the recurring bill and setting it up again (thus unnecessarily bringing the customer in and notifying them on what is really an internal issue)? I understand you for some reason do not support the ability to change this simple line on completed bills, but is there any way to change it for FUTURE billings on an existing recurring bill without wiping the whole thing out? The name we have listed is of an employee that was fired and it must change. 

Beta Member

What is the process for a feature request to go to the next stage? Your customers have been asking for this for years. 

Im running into to the same issues! Square fix this. This is the simplest mistakes that we do daily. Without this feature we rather use paper and pen!

Beta Member

This is a major issue for our business as well Square - for the admin of the system not to be able to edit and change who a sale is attributed to is frankly very poor -  there are so many reasons why businesses would need to be able to do this