
Owner name change

Owner name change

My last name changed in 2015, but why can I not change it in my account? 

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Owner name change - Status changed to: Not currently planned

Hi @hairbydani - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community👋


I went ahead and merged your post to an existing thread where other Square Sellers have discussed this topic as well. We merge duplicate conversations together to keep like comments in one place, and to make it easier for others to find the thread in the future. 


At this time, the ability to edit the Owner's name listed on a Square account is a feature request. To learn more about how feature requests work, please see this post from one of our Seller Community Moderators. 


In the meantime, keep an eye out for any updates in our Seller Community.

Beta Member

Please add us to the list!

Why is this issue not fixed!?

It has been years that Square merchants have been asking for this!! All you have to do is require ALL legal verification before the change is allowed, problem and liability issues for you solved!!

I recently took over the business I currently own. The previous owner is no longer involved in any way... His name is named as the owner of this account. I was, luckily enough, named as an authorized person, prior to the takeover, but WHY can we not change the owners name!? It is literally such as easy thing to accomplish... If not a name change, then a FULL merger of ALL information from one account to another once a new one is created!!


Please advise why your team is not listening to us!? Please advise why this is still an ongoing issue?! PayPal business would do it, they DID the change for me... just saying... So did Venmo business acct... I thought y'all were better than them ?!!! 

I recently took over ownership of my current business. It was previously owned by my fiancé, now husband. While we have the same last name now, he is not involved in the business at all as he has other endeavors he is adventuring in now ... I took over his PayPal account, the Venmo business, and everything else!! All I needed was the LLC paperwork from the state of Florida (our business license) proving I was the current owner!! 

How is this so flipping difficult!! And even if we do have to make a WHOLE other account with square because of it being set up with SSN, why can't the accounts then be merged so the information is t lost!? It's literally not rocket science 🤦🏼‍♀️

The Square team is the worst.  They do not listen at all.  I called eCards, their gift card service provider to ask if we can use the gift cards for two different accounts (we have a gift shop account and a cafe account).  They check out the drinks and food items at a separate register than gift items.  The rep at eCards knew exactly what I was asking for, without need for clarification.  They said that the function is available (they have other vendors such as Toast, Upserve, etc. who will allow you to use a gift card at multiple linked locations/accounts)  but that Square does not have the functionality themselves and that I would need to call them.


So I called to inquire about it and ask for that function and I had to explain it 3 times to the rep Cassandra and by the third time, I was just flat out rude.  She was trying to explain something else and I just started interjecting and saying, no, that is not what I am asking.  It amazed me at how eCards knew their product and consumer needs but Square reps did not.

I just don't understand how it's been YEARS of people asking, and flat out begging for the same thing, for extremely VALID reasons mind you, and they can't grasp the concept and get it taken care of!! It's bad enough they keep fooling with the app functions, the look, where everything in is at, ect... *Having the same thing in several spots is redundant by the way Square!! A waste if time and code not too mention confusing* ...


It's just down right aggregating!! So when Square starts getting legal court papers asking to verify this, check that, a subpoena for this record, and that one, DON'T start complaining because y'all wouldn't just let us change the names of the owners!!

Joe - please add me to the very long list of people who require the ability to change the name of the account owner.  People die, move on, change their name, etc.  We should not have to lose history to update account information.  klnewnew@gmail.com

Square Community Moderator

Hello there @klnewnew 👋


I would like to give you the news that Account Ownership Transfers are now possible. This was a highly requested feature and we are glad to finally be able to provide this service to our Sellers.

You have got to be kidding... Account Transfer is STILL NOT A SOLUTION.


"Can I use account transfer to edit my legal name on my Square account?


No, Square currently does not allow sellers to change the account owner’s name."


Taken DIRECTLY from here:



See also:

"I’ve recently changed my legal name. Will I have any trouble with the identity verification?


If your name has changed in the last year, the identity verification might not be successful."

Square Community Moderator

Hello there @TigerTorreArt


My apologies for the confusion was not aware that name changes were not possible yet. I will ask the team in charge of this feature (Account Ownership Transfer) to see if they have any news regarding legal name changes and will get back to you. 


Thanks for clarifying your need once again and sharing the details from the Support Article.

Beta Member

The contracted manager of our restaurant set up our account with his name as the owner. He worked for the company for 6 weeks and was terminated for very serious allegations. One year later we still have to see his name on our account because this name change issue has not been properly addressed. This man was able to set up an account listing himself as owner without you verifying him as such.  As the VP of the company, I can change everything on this account including all banking info yet you cannot remove his name and replace with the  true owners name for “security reasons”?! Makes no sense to me!